- http://sacredharp86.org/archives/convention-2015/
- http://sacredharp86.org/archives/the-third-poland-sacred-harp-singing-convention/
- The Second Sacred Harp Singing Convetnion in Poland
- The First Sacred Harp Singing Convention in Poland
- Sacred Harp Singing Workshop, March 10, 2012, Warszawa
- The 1st All Day Singing inPrague
- All-day Kaszuby – July 2010
http://fasola.org/minutes/search/?yr=2010&n=3393 - Sacred Harp Singing School, 18-20 March 2011, Warsaw http://www.fasola.blogspot.com/
- The First Poland Sacred Harp Singing in Warsaw
http://fasola.org/minutes/search/?yr=2009&n=3205 - Sacred Harp Singing School, 22-25 October 2009, Warsaw
http://www.helpmetosing.blogspot.com/ - The First Sacred Harp Workshop in Poland